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Product description

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Section  2010 2011 2012~2013
Name Flare Type  Grip-ring Type Smart Link Type
Clamping Method Clamping nut after pipe flare work Inserting coated pipe and then clamping nut after inserting grip parts Clamping nut after inserting coatied pipe into all-in-one smart link parts
Structure  Flare O-Ring crimp-type Dual clamping O-Ring crimp-type structure
Strength - Familiar as an old way to use
- Easy to purchase as materials like nut are generally used
- Leakage prevention
- Improving installability
- Leakage prevention
PL accident
- prevention(Collect added)
Weakness - Lots of leakage defects - Possibility to have misassembling - Nut should be clamped in a straight line with nipple.